reality leash/friend and family connector

Reality Leash/Friend and Family Connector









The original idea behind the Reality Leash was the losing of the awareness of reality, that is, the world that goes on around them. This simple device could allow one to remain attached to reality by clipping onto a solid inanimate object. Through further discussions the notion of keeping a track of or keeping connected to friends and/or family was very important, so I amalgamated these ideas.

Available for adoption. If you are interested in adopting this object for a while please leave a comment below.

~ by Matt on March 12, 2009.

4 Responses to “reality leash/friend and family connector”

  1. Highlights how distorted reality is in grief. Time is distorted and ordinary tasks can seem irrelevant. Support from others is so helpful.

    from a psychotherapist

  2. I think the idea of being attached to someone after a death or break-up would be comforting. And it just reminded me of how when someone dies it really brings family and old friends together. Last time I was at a funeral I caught up with a lot of people I hadn’t seen in years. Suppose its one of the more positive things about funerals.

  3. Contact is a very important thing, but I doubt that it works this way. I already imagine all the knots. 😉 And as well artistically I don’t like it that much. Compared to your other inventions it looks a little simple. I hope you don’t resent my comment.

  4. I think the rope’s a little clumsy – maybe a hook (in a holster?) or something for when you need to latch on to reality? I guess a hook wouldn’t be so healthy if latching on to friends and family…

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